Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How Brainwashing Can Work to Your Advantage; the Great Propaganda Turnaround

We've all heard of the law of attraction and how "easy" it is. Simply think thoughts about what you want and they become reality. While this concept is simple to explain, there are very strong roadblocks to putting it into practice and making it work. The reason for this is because of the constant barrage of brainwashing and propaganda we receive from every direction. On a daily basis we're constantly exposed to brainwashing from our government, the news media, movies, tv, advertising of all kinds, pop culture, celebrities, and brainwashed people around us.

It is human nature to imitate and we know that the more someone hears the same thing, the more likely they are to believe it. The Nazis were masters of propaganda. They hit the German people on all fronts with movies, the press, speeches, and rallies. They repeated the same things over and over and restricted all other opinions from being heard. The Bush Administration is another example of a group who used propaganda extremely effectively. They very deliberately repeated the same catch phrases over and over again such as "stay the course," "cut and run," and "mission accomplished," as well as the false claim that Saddam Hussein was in league with Al Queda and that they were responsible for 9/11 (which are both blatantly false if you do any sort of research on the matter as I have). They were so effective that a majority of Americans at one time believed these blatant lies to be true. Even today the dumber members of our society still persist in believing them. Even though these are examples of propaganda being used for evil, you can learn a lot about human nature and how to influence thought with these examples.

On a daily basis we're flooded with so much information meant to control our thoughts that most of us go through life confused and disoriented simply trying to process all of the stimuli. This shit-stew of propaganda is not of our own making and ads to our lack of control in life. So what can we do to clear our minds of this fodder for confusion? One quick and easy way to clear your mind is meditation. Pick up this book: "The Art of Chi Kung: Making the most of your vital energy." This will help you clear out your mind fast and effectively. Meditation to clear your mind of all the crap you hear every day is the first step to taking back control of your life. This book is rare in that it offers a quick fix that is also very high quality. Long term, doing these exercises will help you sort everything out and open your mind for what you will choose to feed it.

Once your mind is clear of distractions the next step is to fill it with your own "propaganda" which really isn't propaganda at all. Consistency is key here. Figure out what thoughts will help you move forward towards your goals. This may be as simple as thinking about your goals. Decide what you want in life and constantly beat the shit out of your brain with images and thoughts of these things. For me I think about money, nice cars, a good woman to be with, and traveling the world while I work on my business from a laptop. Whatever you heart desires, make sure you fill your senses with it over and over until your mind is programed to think about it often throughout the day.

Whenever you see or hear something advertised that is coming from outside what you desire, block it out with thoughts of what you do desire. Clearing your mind of clutter and filling it with what you choose for yourself is a very powerful tool for changing your thought patterns and seizing back control of your poor, propaganda-sick mind that has been dealing with an onslaught of bullshit your entire life. When done consistently, this one-two-punch can help you take back what's yours and reclaim your mind and human spirit. True propaganda that is from outside your desires takes away our freedom of choice whether we know it or not. This is a method of mind control and everyone is a victim of it. Once you realize this is the case and take steps to control your own thoughts, you can greatly minimize the negative effects of mind control and find that human spirit that has become burried under a sea of greed, selfishness, and ignorance that dominates our society and most peoples' thinking. This U-turn of thought can change your life and help you rediscover what you know deep down you've been missing.

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